Thursday, 5 November 2015

International Partner School Work

During the October half-term teachers from Newlands and Charles Kingsley's Primary Schools travelled to Nairobi, Kenya to work with children from three inner-city primary schools, their staff and children.  We had the opportunity to share ideas, learn from each other and remove some stereotypes along the way.

Together, we made some images to promote the British Council and the UN's Global Goals.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Storytelling workshop

Thank you to the BRILLIANT student teachers from the University of Winchester for a great storytelling workshop this morning.  Our pupils loved the opportunity to hear so many exciting tales brought to life in such dynamic and exciting ways.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Roald Dahl 'Dahlicious' Dress Up Day 2015

Thank you to all our parents for the fantastic support for Roald Dah's marvellous children's charity.  All the costumes, make-up and props made the day a whizzpopping success.  We enjoyed lots of stories, reading, writing and FUN!  THANK YOU!

Monday, 20 July 2015

'Newlands Got Talent' 2015

Congratulations to all the children who took part in this year's talent show. It was a really enjoyable morning that showcased a wide range of skills, talents and interests.  A special 'well-done' to 'Ultimate Force' who won with their rendition of 'Seven Nation Army' - superb!!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Bugsy Malone - Year 6 End of Year Production

Well done to all our Year 6 pupils who finished off their year in style with a STUNNING performance of 'Bugsy Malone'.  Great work EVERYONE!