Monday, 14 October 2013

Chris Lubbe's visit to Newlands

We had the pleasure of hosting Chris Lubbe for the morning today.  Chris, once bodyguard to ex-South African President Nelson Mandela, now a UNICEF ambassador, spent the morning talking to pupils and answering questions.  He shared his story and everyone felt inspired.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Harvest Scarecrows!

Help! The school has been taken over by special 'Tattybogle' scarecrows.  We had great fun making these as part of our Harvest celebration.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Well done to all Newlands pupils and families for raising a fantastic £460 for Macmillan through our annual coffee morning.  Special thanks to Michelle Shambrook and all the staff at Costa Coffee for supporting our event.

Rugby Success!

Congratulations to our Tag Rugby team, district runners-up last season.  The team were invited to the Madejski stadium by the London Irish to see a game being played first-hand and tour the pitch at half-time.  It was a great opportunity to meet players, coaches and officials and was enjoyed by all.  Thank you to all the London Irish staff for hosting us so kindly.