Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Goodbye Mrs Plowman

After 28 years of service as a school cook, sadly, we said goodbye to Mrs. Plowman today.  We will miss her and EVERYBODY hopes that she has a lovely, enjoyable retirement.  We finished with a song, just for her...

For 28 years

You’ve fed our bunch

Of eager mouths

With delicious lunch;

You’ve laughed and cried

And smiled a lot

And made sure that

Our meals were hot.

We’ve seen garden peas,

Toad in the hole,

Broccoli, Quiche

And Salmon Roll;

Chicken Grills,

A special sizzler

And who can forget

Your Turkey Twizzler?

Mrs. Plowman

You’ve never failed to deliver,

You’re better than Jamie Oliver

You’re better than Jamie Oliver

Mrs. Plowman

We’ll miss you for ever,

You’re better than Jamie Oliver

You’re better than Jamie Oliver

So the time has come

To take a rest,

No more gravy

On your chicken breast.

Take some time

To rest those feet

And maybe enjoy

A special treat;

We’ll miss your smile

And words so kind,

Your dressing up,

Your thoughtful mind;

You’ve chopped and peeled

And gave us choices

And politely asked us

To lower our voices

Thank you for

These faithful years

Encouraging some

To beat their fears

Thank you for the

Wholesome food

The joyful service,

Cheerful mood.

Thank you for your

True commitment,

Sharing, teamwork

And best intent.

Thanks for seeing

This job through

And above all

Thanks, for being you.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Maple Class live as Celts for the day

Our Y4 pupils spent the day at Butser ancient farm.  Fully dressed in traditional outfits, the children discovered spinning, wattling and life inside a traditional round house. 

Monday, 14 October 2013

Chris Lubbe's visit to Newlands

We had the pleasure of hosting Chris Lubbe for the morning today.  Chris, once bodyguard to ex-South African President Nelson Mandela, now a UNICEF ambassador, spent the morning talking to pupils and answering questions.  He shared his story and everyone felt inspired.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Harvest Scarecrows!

Help! The school has been taken over by special 'Tattybogle' scarecrows.  We had great fun making these as part of our Harvest celebration.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Well done to all Newlands pupils and families for raising a fantastic £460 for Macmillan through our annual coffee morning.  Special thanks to Michelle Shambrook and all the staff at Costa Coffee for supporting our event.

Rugby Success!

Congratulations to our Tag Rugby team, district runners-up last season.  The team were invited to the Madejski stadium by the London Irish to see a game being played first-hand and tour the pitch at half-time.  It was a great opportunity to meet players, coaches and officials and was enjoyed by all.  Thank you to all the London Irish staff for hosting us so kindly.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Junior Disco

The children had great fun at their Junior Disco.  What a way to finish the term!

Junior Disco photographs

Newlands Got Talent

Our annual talent show was held last Friday, 19th July.  Well done to all pupils who took part.  The winner was Wendy Sumner from Rowan Class who amazed the judges with her powerful singing.  Darcy Coultrip was second and third was our toe-tapping wondergroup from Silver Birch Class

Newlands Got Talent from Carl McCarthy on Vimeo.

Theatre performance - Stepping Out

Congratulations to all of our pupils who recently took part in a local theatre arts performance.  Acts covered ballet, tap, modern, drama, singing and acting.  From 'Alice in Wonderland' to 'Oliver' and many more, their weekend performances were enjoyed by many.  Well done Newlands pupils!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Cuddle-Me-Do...the farm visits our Chestnut Class pupils

YR pupils had a special visit today.  The ducklings, rabbits, chickens and guinea-pigs had a lovely time saying 'hello' to our children.  The children had a good time too!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

RRR Article of the week

Listen 2 Me concert

Our Year 3 and Year 4 pupils performed for parents today, led by Mr. Viveash. Their collection of 'Listen2Me' songs were enjoyed by all!  Well done Silver Birch and Maple Classes.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Y6 Production - 'Between the Lines'

Well done to our year 6 pupils - today they performed 'Between the Lines', a terrific musical tale that showed all of their personalities, skills and talents.  It was amazing to see and hear - Well done Mrs. Bond and all of Rowan Class!

Junior Sports Day

It was another scorching day of sunshine and another fantastic sports day.  This time our juniors took part in a carousel of pupil-designed events followed by 'traditional' races to finish the morning.  Everyone had a great time but it was Polo who managed to win the trophy, just ahead of Drake.  Well done to all our pupils today!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Infant Sports Day

Infant sports Day - 4th July 2013

We had a fantastic infant sports day.  The weather was just right – not too hot, not too cold and all the children took part and enjoyed the morning.  Raleigh came out as the eventual winners, just edging past Drake to take the Infant Sports Day Trophy.  Well done to everybody involved and a huge thank you to all staff, parents and children.

Infant Sports Day Photographs